What Visa application can I lodge?

There are a wide range of visa types in Australia that you could possibly be eligible for, depending on your individual circumstances. These could range from General Skilled Migration, Employer Sponsorship, Student visas and many more.

This can be a complex process that would require us to fully assess your situation to find the right visa type for you.

You may want to book a consultation for a full assessment of your situation to identify which visa pathways will be possible in your case.

Can I book a Face to Face consultation to see a migration agent?

You can contact the office on +618 6161 3319 to book a consultation which will cost $120 plus GST for half an hour meeting with our Registered Migration agent at our office located at Suite B9, Attadale Business Centre, 550 Canning Highway, Attadale, WA 6156. Our Registered Migration Agent will provide you with a verbal assessment of your visa options at this meeting.

To receive written report you will need to book one and half hour meeting which will cost you $300 plus GST for a simple matter.

We will provide you with an estimate of our professional fees for complex matters.

What is Horizon Australasia’s success rate?

We pride ourselves on providing immigration solutions that meet current Australian migration regulations. Over the years, our success rate for securing temporary and permanent visas is very high as we usually take on cases that have high probability of success. While we cannot guarantee success, you can rest assured of our best efforts to secure a positive outcome if we take on your matter.

Our expertise covers the key areas of Immigration Law, including Standard Business Sponsorship (SBS), subclass 457 nomination and visa application, Employer Nomination Scheme under Direct Entry and Temporary Transition Stream subclass 186, Regional Sponsored Migration Stream under Direct Entry and Temporary Transition Stream subclass 187, Graduate Skills and Post Study Work subclass 485, Independent and Sponsored General Skilled Migration subclass 189 and 190, Prospective Partner subclass 300, Partner visa onshore subclass 820/801 and offshore subclass 309/100, Parent and Contributory Parent visa applications.

How much is the visa application fee?

Prices will vary as every visa subclass and situation is different.  During your consultation, we will be able to provide an estimate of our professional fees and Department of Immigration fees and charges.  Before we commence work we provide a written quote with details of all fees and charges related to your application.

What if I’m not eligible? Do I still pay for the consultation?

The purpose of a consultation is to provide you with a full assessment of your visa options in Australia.  Due to individual circumstances, you may find that you are not eligible for the particular visa you were interested in.

We have to expertise to advise you a clear understanding of your visa pathways that are available in your case.  A professional service fee will apply due to the time and research it takes for us to assist you.

Why should I go with Horizon Australasia and not another migration agent?

Our Registered Migration Agent has more than 16 years’ experience in international student and skilled recruitment and more than 8 years’ experience as a Registered Migration Agent.

We have the experience and specialise in immigration law to provide you with personal innovative solutions to suit your situation.  At Horizon Australasia, our core values are imperative in our practice to provide you with the best migration solutions under current regulation.

Our focus is on providing you with timely and professional advice and assistance.  You also have the assurance that we will not take on a case unless we are confident it meets the prevailing migration criteria. While we cannot guarantee your application will be successful, we certainly guarantee to put in our best efforts with each application.

Can you find me an Employer?

At Horizon Australasia, we specialise in providing Australian Immigration Advice and professional application services. Unfortunately, as we are not a recruitment agency we have limited capacity to assist with finding a job in Australia.

How many consultations do I need before applying for my visa?

One consultation is generally all you need to precede with Horizon Australasia services; however this depends on the complexity of your case.

Can you check my documents before I apply for my own visa application?

We do not provide a document checking service during consultations.  Once you have signed up to use our services, we will be able to assess your documents for your visa application.

What course should I study in Australia?

We can only provide you with general information about what types of courses may be beneficial to you in terms of immigration outcomes. Finally it will depend upon your personal strengths and career pathway to choose the course that will help you achieve your goals.  At Horizon Australasia we say – ‘Follow your career pathway and not the Migration Skilled Occupation List when you choose your course to study in Australia.  While Skills Occupation Lists can change anytime, if you choose your course based on your strengths and capability, you are likely to have excellent skills and follow your career pathway to find the ‘ideal’ job and perhaps even an employer that may be eligible to sponsor you on a temporary or permanent employer sponsored visa.

Are there any changes to visas coming up?

The Australian Government can change migration regulation to suit local economy.  At Horizon Australasia, we provide our clients with updates that may affect their circumstances.